Monash University
8 Monash Points = 5 UBC Credits
Algorithms and Data Structures |
FIT2004 |
6 |
CPSC 221 |
Basic Algorithms and Data Structures |
4 |
Building Structures and Technology |
CIV3221 |
6 |
CIVL 4th |
Technical Elective |
3.75 |
Computer architecture |
FIT3159 |
6 |
CPEN 411 |
Computer Architecture |
4 |
Control Systems |
MEC4418 |
6 |
MECH 466 |
Automatic Control |
4 |
Cybersecurity tools and techniques |
FIT2093 |
6 |
CPEN 442 |
Introduction to Cybersecurity |
4 |
Databases |
FIT2094 |
6 |
CPSC 304 |
Introduction to Relational Databases |
3 |
Design of Concrete and Masonry Structures |
CIV3284 |
6 |
CIVL 420 |
Concrete Technology |
3 |
Design of Steel and Timber Structures |
CIV2225 |
6 |
CIVL 331 |
Steel and Timber Design |
3 |
Energy and the environment |
ENE3048 |
6 |
CIVL 4th |
Technical Elective |
3.75 |
Environmental Impact Assessment and Management Systems |
ENE3608 |
6 |
CIVL 305 |
Introduction to Environmental Engineering |
3 |
Groundwater and Environmental Geomechanics |
CIV3248 |
6 |
CIVL 4th |
Technical Elective |
3.75 |
Hydropower |
RSE 3241 |
6 |
CIVL 415 |
Water Resource Engineering |
3 |
Information and Networks |
ECE3141 |
6 |
ELEC 331 |
Computer Communications |
4 |
Management and Practice in Materials Engineering |
MTE3544 |
6 |
MTRL 4th |
Technical Elective |
3.75 |
Materials and Sustainability |
MTE4593 |
6 |
MTRL 496 |
Materials Sustainability |
3 |
Mathematics of Uncertainty |
MTH2222 |
6 |
MATH 302 |
Introduction to Probability |
3 |
Mechanics of Solids |
CIV2206 |
6 |
CIVL 231 |
Introduction to Structural Engineering |
4 |
Medical Instrumentation |
ECE4081 |
6 |
ELEC 371 |
Biomedical Engineering Instrumentation |
3 |
Microstructural Design in Structural Materials |
MTE3542 |
6 |
MTRL 378 |
Phase Transformations |
3 |
Microstructure to Applications: the Mechanics of Materials |
MTE3543 |
6 |
MTRL 365 |
Mechanical Behaviour of Materials |
3 |
Operating Systems |
FIT2100 |
6 |
CPEN 331 |
Operating Systems |
4 |
Professional Practice |
ECE4099 |
6 |
ELEC 3rd |
Complimentary Studies Elective |
3.75 |
Project Management for Civil Engineers |
CIV3205 |
6 |
CIVL 300 |
Construction Engineering and Management |
3 |
Signals and Systems |
ECE2111 |
6 |
ELEC 221 |
Signal and Systems |
4 |
Software Engineering: Architecture and Design |
FIT3077 |
6 |
CPEN 321 |
Software Engineering |
4 |
Statistical Methods for Science |
STA1010 |
6 |
STAT 251 |
Elementary Statistics |
3 |
Water Systems |
CIV2263 |
6 |
CIVL 316 |
Hydrology and Open Channel Flow |
4 |