PAF Mandate
The Professional Activities Fund (PAF) exists to enhance professional development activities in the engineering undergraduate program at UBC Vancouver. It is designed to support co-curricular activities and projects that lie outside of, yet are complementary to, the engineering curriculum. PAF is co-chaired by the APSC Dean and the EUS President. All PAF funded activities must be in support of this mandate.
- PAF was introduced in 2003 to enhance professional development activities in the undergraduate engineering program at UBC Vancouver.
- Each undergraduate engineering student is assessed a fee of $100 (+ interest) per academic year.
- PAF is not intended to replace University-level, Faculty-level, or Departmental-level funding that directly supports curricular activities. It is meant to support short-term, student-initiated projects, subsidize student travel, and support sustainable activities that benefit the student body.
PAF Categories
PAF is divided into three categories:
Guiding Principles
Please view the Professional Activities Fund Mandate handbook which provides in depth information on PAF’s guiding principles. This document is updated on a yearly basis, with input from the Faculty as well as the EUS and students.
PAF Eligibility - General Overview
For a detailed breakdown of eligibility requirements, please visit the Eligibility page.