The PAF Mandate are governing rules of PAF, and includes all eligibility requirements, assessment criteria, and timelines. Here's a quick breakdown of who is involved in this process and their specific roles:
PAF Governance Committee
PAF is governed by a central PAF governance body. This Committee is responsible for:
- Ensuring compliance with the PAF Mandate
- Overseeing governance changes to the Fund including but not limited to the PAF eligibility requirements, membership of governance structures, authority to allocate funds, and categories of funding available
- Setting annual envelopes for funding categories
- Approving disbursement of funds upon recommendation from the Funding Committee
- Preparing an annual report about the activities of the fund for the Student Advisory Council (SAC)
Governance Committee Membership:
- The Dean of Applied Science (ex-officio, co-chair)
- The Associate Dean, Education and Professional Development (ex-officio, co-chair)
- Three Applied Science Faculty members appointed by the Dean
- The EUS President (ex-officio, co-chair)
- The EUS VP Finance (ex-officio, co-chair)
- Three students-at-large appointed by the EUS
- The APSC Finance Manager (non-voting)
- The PAF Coordinator (non-voting)
- Manager, Experiential Learning and Professional Development (non-voting)
- Director, Experiential Learning and Academic Services (non-voting)
Co-chairs may appoint designates.
All decisions of the Board shall be made with a majority (50%+1) vote and require a quorum of three, including at least one faculty member (including Dean or Associate Dean) and one student. Decisions may be made via email vote if an in-person meeting is not possible. Email votes must be open for at least one week. Non-replies shall count as abstentions.