Travel and Conference funding is available to individuals or groups attending conferences or attending field trips. If you are hosting a conference, please apply as a Project. Approvals will be granted on an ongoing basis by the EUS VP Finance and PAF Coordinator(APSC PD). Applications will be reviewed every 2-3 weeks from September 1 - August 15.
Funding is awarded on a per-trip basis, as per the guidelines below. Funding is awarded on a rolling basis and applications will be accepted as long as there are funds in the Travel and Conferences PAF funding pool. Funding will be allocated from the funding pool belonging to the year that the conference or trip takes place in, regardless of when applications are received.
Applications may be submitted after the conference or trip has taken place; however, funding is never guaranteed until an application is process and approved. It takes approximately three weeks to process an application. If the applicant chooses to apply less than three weeks before the conference or trip, or post-conference or trip, the applicant risks not receiving funding and as a result should consider alternative funding options.
Apply for PAF Travel + Conferences Application
Eligibility criteria:
- Must meet all General PAF Eligibility Requirements.
- Individuals may not receive PAF T+C funding for more than five applications within the PAF fiscal cycle
- A complete roster of those attending the travel/conference must be provided before the application will be considered.
- Applications for a single initiative may only be funded through one category of PAF (e.g., cannot apply for both Travel & Conferences and Projects).
- Applications for events in the current PAF fiscal cycle are accepted Sept. 1 – Aug. 15 to allow for time to review, reimbursement submissions, and final report submission before the end of the PAF fiscal cycle (Aug. 31).
This funding category is divided into three sub-categories:
Funding Calculation:
| Representative | Non-Representative | Year Trip |
Travel | |||
Region 1: BC and WA | $90/student | $60/student | $60/student |
Region 2: Western Area* | $290/student | $170/student | $170/student |
Region 3: North America | $400/student | $230/student | $230/student |
Region 4: International | $680/student | $340/student | $340/student |
Accommodation | |||
| $35/student/night for all | ||
Conference Fees | |||
| $230 for all | ||
Maximum funding | |||
| 75% | 50% | 25% |
*The Western Area comprises of AB, SK, MB, OR, CA, MT, ID, WY, NV, UT, AZ.
For more information, please refer to the Professional Activities Fund Mandate.
Application Procedures
- Prepare your application responses using the T&C Application PDF as a reference.(Note - the funding amounts reflected in this guidebook are applicable for events that fall in the 2024-25 PAF cycle - i.e. after August 31st, 2024.)
- Complete the PAF T&C budget template (2024-2025) and prepare supplementary documents if you are applying for the Representative category.
- Complete the T&C submission form. Note that you cannot submit a completed version of the PDF itself, you will be required to submit through the form. If you're applying under Professional Development Registration Fees, please email directly.
Travel & Conferences applications are accepted on an on-going basis and approved at the discretion of the PAF Coordinator and EUS VP Finance. If you have any questions about your application, contact us at