PAF Travel + Conferences Application

Travel and Conference funding is available to individuals or groups attending conferences or attending field trips. If you are hosting a conference, please apply as a Project. Funding is awarded on a rolling basis per trip, as per the PAF mandate. Funding will be allocated from the funding pool belonging to the year that the conference or trip takes place in, regardless of when applications are received.

Applications may be submitted after the conference or trip has taken place; however, funding is never guaranteed until an application is process and approved. It takes approximately three weeks to process an application. If the applicant chooses to apply less than three weeks before the conference or trip, or post-conference or trip, the applicant risks not receiving funding and as a result should consider alternative funding options.

Eligibility criteria:

  • All of the general PAF eligibility criteria.
  • Individuals may not receive PAF T+C funding for more than five applications within the PAF fiscal cycle
  • A complete roster of those attending the travel/conference must be provided before the application will be considered.

Applications for PAF Travel & Conferences for the 2024-25 fiscal year is open!

PAF Travel & Conferences Application

Privacy Notice
By providing your personal information on this form, you agree to allow UBC to use this data to process your request or application. This data is kept secure and stored in Canada. For more information, view our Privacy Policy.

Event Information

This will become your application title.

Applicant Information

Principal Applicant's Name
If submission is from a group, enter above the name of main contact person.
Please only fill this section if you are applying on behalf of a group or team.

PAF Information

Justification for Travel

Please describe the event and how your attendance relates to PAF’s mission of supporting co-curricular and projects that lie outside of, yet are complementary to, the engineering curriculum.
By participating in your travel and/or conference, what is the impact on student learning? How will this project contribute to the development of the professional skills of engineering students? What are the direct, short-term, and long-term benefits?

Funding Information

  • Representative: Students shall apply to this category if they are representing UBC Engineering in an independently organized event. Examples of funding which would fall under this category include participation in a competition, voting on behalf of UBC-Vancouver, or presenting research at a conference.
  • Non-Representative: This category is for students seeking professional development opportunities as a participant, whether through trips, conferences, or other means. Examples include annual meetings of professional chapters, or technical conferences with no presentation component.
  • Year Trip: This category is for travel opportunities that are restricted to a particular discipline and/or to students in a certain year level. Examples of this include graduate trips which include site visits to industry partners. It is expected that these trips can garner more support from industry sponsors.
Western Area: AB, SK, MB, OR, CA, MT, ID, WY, NV, UT, and AZ.
PAF funds the minimum duration of the conference or trip to a maximum of 7 nights.
How many people will be attending this trip who meet PAF eligibility criteria (are currently enrolled undergraduate engineering students at UBC Vancouver)?

Document Uploads

Download PAF T&C Budget | 2024-25 
Submit your budget on the template provided.
One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: xls, xlsx.
18 MB limit per form.
OPTIONAL: Upload any receipts that may further strengthen your application. They may be requested from you in the future.
Unlimited number of files can be uploaded to this field.
8 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, doc, docx, zip.
18 MB limit per form.
  • If you are applying for representative funding, we require documentation. Please append this to your application.
  • For competitions or invited conferences, please provide a copy of the invitation or documentation of being selected to represent UBC Engineering (ex: winning a prerequisite competition).
  • For presenting research, please provide an abstract and copy of the conference agenda with your presentation highlighted or acceptance letter.
  • For voting/elected roles, please provide copies of governing documents or agreements that demonstrate your position in the organization, and a brief explanation of your plenary role.
  • For any other case, please provide whatever you believe qualifies you for representative status and a brief explanation.

One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, txt, png, zip.
18 MB limit per form.
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