Travel and Conference funding is available to individuals or groups attending conferences or attending field trips. If you are hosting a conference, please apply as a Project. Funding is awarded on a rolling basis per trip, as per the PAF mandate. Funding will be allocated from the funding pool belonging to the year that the conference or trip takes place in, regardless of when applications are received.
Applications may be submitted after the conference or trip has taken place; however, funding is never guaranteed until an application is process and approved. It takes approximately three weeks to process an application. If the applicant chooses to apply less than three weeks before the conference or trip, or post-conference or trip, the applicant risks not receiving funding and as a result should consider alternative funding options.
Eligibility criteria:
- All of the general PAF eligibility criteria.
- Individuals may not receive PAF T+C funding for more than five applications within the PAF fiscal cycle
- A complete roster of those attending the travel/conference must be provided before the application will be considered.