Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
What is the difference between an exchange with CIE or Go Global?
Both programs facilitate an experience where students are able to go abroad for up to two semesters, study at a partner institution, and earn credits that transfer back and apply towards your UBC degree. Differences between the programs are described in the following table:
CIE | Go Global |
Uses agreements between Applied Science faculties at different institutions | Uses university-wide agreements with different institutions |
Spaces are reserved in these agreements for BASc students | Spaces are open to competition with students from all faculties |
Pre-mapped courses ease the coordination of transfer credits. Additional courses can be articulated at your request | Limited course articulations may exist for some partner institutions. You may need to submit requests for additional courses to be articulated |
Exchange can be used as a Co-op term | Exchange cannot be used as a Co-op term (Exception: BMEG) |
18 partners across 3 regions | 200+ partners worldwide |
Two-thirds of your study plan should be comprised of courses that apply towards your engineering degree | Flexibility in focus of study plan |
When can I go abroad?
All exchange and Go Global programs require Applied Science students to have at least third year standing when they go abroad. If you are looking for an international experience in your first or second year, consider participating in an international conference or symposium.
Can I get transfer credits from my international experience?
Students going on exchange for a term will receive transfer credits towards their UBC degree. Summer and research abroad opportunities are often not eligible to receive academic credit. Contact the International Learning Officer (cie.apsc@ubc.ca) if you have questions about this.
How much does it cost to live abroad?
There is extreme diversity in the cost of living abroad due to the spectrum of different opportunities available. The length of time that you seek to live abroad and the region that you travel to are the major influences on cost. Consider your budget closely. Many universities have a list of estimated living expenses that students can typically expect in a term which could be helpful to create a mock budget.
Depending on the international experience you are planning, you may be eligible for a $1000 Applied Science International Experience Award. To confirm if your planned activity is eligible, please contact the International Learning Officer (cie.apsc@ubc.ca).
Other awards associated with international travel can be found at UBC Student Services:
Do I have to find my own accommodation abroad?
The student is responsible for arranging their own accommodation abroad. If you are going on exchange, the host institution will offer resources and guidance on how to secure accommodation in the local area. On-campus accommodation options are available for some exchange locations.
Do I need a visa or insurance?
Some international learning experiences will require you to obtain a visa and specific insurance coverage for your trip, this depends on the destination country and the options available to you to enter that country.
How does the COVID-19 pandemic impact international learning experiences?
In March 2020, UBC made the difficult decision to cancel all student international travel for university purposes due to COVID-19. After careful consideration, UBC has extended this cancellation until December 31st, 2021. This includes international programs like exchange and study abroad, co-op, student research placements (both undergraduate and graduate), practicums and conference attendance.
This decision follows guidelines outlined in UBC’s Student Safety Abroad Policy and is in line with the current advice of British Columbia’s Centre for Disease Control (BC CDC) and Global Affairs Canada.
Advice to students regarding programs beyond December 31st, 2021 is to continue to apply as normal. UBC will continue to monitor the situation and government directives as they evolve, sharing any updates on student international travel as they evolve.
Where can I learn more?
For questions about going on exchange as an Applied Science student or earning transfer credits abroad:
– UBC Vancouver students please feel free to contact the International Learning Officer (cie.apsc@ubc.ca). You can also book an appointment via PD Portal.
– UBC Okanagan students please feel free to contact Engineering Advisor, Samantha Luckow (samantha.luckow@ubc.ca).
For questions about the summer or research abroad programs, global seminars or international conferences, email the Go Global office (go.global@ubc.ca).
To request an appointment with a Go Global regional advisor, complete this request form.
For more information about the Coordinated International Experience program, visit the CIE website.