Teams are required by the Faculty to extensively train their members to act in accordance with UBC Safety Policy SC1. In addition, practising safety is paramount to professional development. EGBC, for example, puts holding paramount “the safety, health and welfare of the public, the protection of the environment and promote health and safety within the workplace” as the number one policy in their Code of Ethics.
Each member must pass the safety training requirements for their workspace in order to obtain workspace access. Violation of Safety Requirements will result in the member’s FOB access being revoked and may result in the team being placed on probation. The Faculty reserves the right to restrict access to resources until safety guidelines are followed.
Safety Plans
Student Teams are expected to develop comprehensive safety plans, outlining the relevant actions that need to be taken to ensure safe operation in their space and while working on their project. Safety plans reduce the likelihood of accidents occurring by improving team awareness, and help improve how teams deal with emergencies by ensuring that things have been thought through ahead of time. A sample Safety Plan form can be found in the page below.
Existing Procedures & Templates
Hazardous Materials – Safety and Disposal
Many teams require the use of hazardous materials, such as resins and combustibles, in their projects. Teams must take all necessary safety precautions when handling these materials. Teams should be aware of the appropriate PPE required, and should keep up to date Safety Data Sheets in their space. Hazardous materials cannot simply be flushed down a drain or thrown in a trash can. The APSC Safety and Facilities Officer has an account with UBC Waste Management and can help teams dispose of any hazardous materials. Contact Richard Colwell at or Ailish Statham at for more information on the disposal process. More information can be found in the EDT Safety Training Course.
Student Team Safety Funding
If your team incurs a cost that you believe is safety-related, contact Richard Colwell or Ailish Statham (below) to see if reimbursement is possible. The amount of reimbursement will vary year-by-year.
Contact Information
If you have any further questions or concerns after reading the previous section and taking the online safety course, please contact the APSC Safety and Facilities Officer.
Richard Colwell
Safety and Facilities Officer, Faculty of Applied Sciences
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus
Wayne and William White Engineering Design Centre
Room 235, 2345 East Mall | Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
Phone: 604-822-2273 | Cell: 604-786-8008
Senior Manager, Strategic Initiatives & Planning, Faculty of Applied Sciences
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus
Fred Kaiser Building
Room 5000, 2332 Main Mall | Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
Phone: 604.827.2979