The application encompasses student groups who fall under the following categories:

Students seeking funding for travel & conferences are not covered under this application.
Departmental funding/support benefits (The Lab & Machining section only applies to Design Teams).


Required Submission Documents

Super Application files can be directly submitted on our Student Group Resources website. While the information required will be generally the same as previous years, the formatting has been shifted around to tailor forms better for clubs and E-IDEAs groups, as well as those who choose not to apply for the Professional Activities Funds (PAF).


The table below lists all the required documents that each student group must submit, with each document being a separate submission. 

Group Type

Engineering Design Teams

E-IDEAS Groups

Program and Department Club

Professional Chapter and Industry Association

Basic Information Form


(EDT Version)


(E-IDEAS Version)


(Clubs+Chapters Version)


(Clubs+Chapters Version)

Funding Spreadsheet


(EDT Version)


(E-IDEAS Version)


(Clubs+Chapters Version)


(Clubs+Chapters Version)

Project Overview Forms

Project Timeline

Sponsorship Package





Group Policy Handbook

Standard Operating Procedures

Team Agreements

Faculty Advisor Approval


SuperApp Breakdown 

Similar to last year, the Super Application will be divided into three parts, each addressing a specific aspect of your student group. As the name suggests, the Super Application is designed to gather comprehensive information about your group, which is then shared with various departments/faculties. They assess your group's eligibility for funding and determine its ability to continue operations in the subsequent year(s). Additionally, the information collected is used to showcase your group's achievements and competitions through APSC communication platforms, giving your group increased visibility.


part 1

Section 1: Project Proposals & Reporting

Section 1 of the SuperApp focuses on verifying basic group information and introducing your projects to APSC. This also includes documentation to maintain your status as a student group. 


Section 2: Funding & Finances

Section 2 of the SuperApp mainly focuses on finances. This ensures your team has adequate funding for the coming year and can deliver the proposed projects. Information is also collected on your team roster. 

part 3

Section 3: Group Policy Handbook

Section 3 covers group policies and expectations. This ensures your team operates safely, and opens up discussion on your team's Community Agreement. 


UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. E-commerce Cart A shopping cart. Time A clock. Communication skills Pencil with speech cloud Chats Two speech clouds. Emotional Intelligence Left-side half heart and right-side half brain shape representation Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Home A house in silhouette. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Leadership User icons presented as a pyramid hierarchy Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Networking Network of nodes Telephone An antique telephone. Play A media play button. Professionalism Hands shaking Search A magnifying glass. Arrow indicating share action A directional arrow. Speech Bubble A speech bubble. Star An outline of a star. Teamwork Three user icons with overlap Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. User A silhouette of a person. Vimeo The logo for the Vimeo video sharing service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service. Future of work A logo for the Future of Work category. Eye A logo representing an eye Inclusive leadership A logo for the Inclusive leadership category. Planetary health A logo for the Planetary health category. Solutions for people A logo for the Solutions for people category. Thriving cities A logo for the Thriving cities category. University for future A logo for the University for future category.