Faculty advisors provide primary oversight to design teams. This includes, but is not limited to project goals, timelines, budget and safety risks/concerns. Faculty advisors are responsible for signing off on team renewal forms and forwarding any agreements or contracts to APSC Professional Development. All Engineering Design Teams are required to have at least one faculty advisor from within APSC who is a Professor or Professor of Teaching with the Faculty. The advisor will typically be a faculty member of the team’s Host Department. In the case of dual-hosting, there will be an advisor from each Host Department.
Faculty Advisor Change Form Template
Responsibilities of the Faculty Advisor
Responsibilities of the Team
The captain of the Team is expected to be the primary contact to the Advisor.
- Communication: Requests to the Advisor should be given with ample lead time and be sensitive to the advisor’s research and teaching schedules. Routine matters that can be handled at the administrative level should first be made through the EDTC or the APSC Faculty Coordinator. Teams must inform their Faculty Advisor when transitioning Captains or important executive members.
- Initiative: For all the categories listed in “Responsibilities of the Faculty Advisor”, the team is expected to initiate contact. Contact with the Advisor should be restricted to high-level matters.
- Invitations: The team shall invite the Advisor to periodic meetings, competitions, field trips, tests, etc., that may improve the connection and awareness with the advisor. Even though the Advisor may not always be able to attend, it is important to provide an awareness of ongoing team activities.
How to Approach a Faculty Member
It may be daunting to approach a faculty member and ask them to be an Advisor to your team. It is important to ensure that you have a faculty advisor belonging to each of your hosting departments.
- Relevance: Consider a faculty member’s area of research. They will likely be able to provide more support to your team if their expertise aligns with your design challenge.
- Make a plan: Approach the faculty member with a clear plan of your Team’s objective and deliverables. Set up an appointment via email.
- Make them aware of their role: the preceding section on this page is a good guideline for the role of a faculty advisor. Consider their time commitments and be respectful of them. Clarify expectations regarding support, communication and technical involvement at the start. If you require additional help in contacting a faculty member to be your team’s advisor, please contact the Engineering Teams Coordinator at team.engineering@ubc.