
Student Purchases (Paid Out-of-Pocket or with personal funds) claiming UBC Funds

  • Ensure pre-approval have been obtained from the team’s designated approvers and/or Faculty Advisor before making the purchases. Pre-approval is for approving the selected goods/services and budget.
  • Understand what source of funding will be paying for each purchase to streamline the reimbursement process.
  • Obtain and retain appropriate supporting documents to claim reimbursements after the purchases have been made. When the purchases will be claiming UBC Funds, the supporting documents need to follow UBC audit trail requirements. Take below actions to retrieve and retain supporting documents:
    •  Take a picture of the physical paper receipts immediately after received.
    • Search email inbox and locate the receipt that show the item details as well as proof of payment. 
    • Log in to the vendor account (if applicable), download the receipt or invoice that show the item details as well as proof of payment. Credit Card slip or redacted credit transaction/statement can be provided in lieu of invoice/receipt that does not show proof of payment. 
    • Connect with the vendor to obtain a receipt and invoice that meet the UBC standards with an explanation that you are obtaining receipt for business reimbursement. 
  • The following types of documents are not considered to be supporting documentation for reimbursements:
    • Quotes
    • Work Orders
    • Sales Orders
    • Packing Slips
    • Statements
    • Credit Card Slips / Bank Statements
    • Order Summary (from online purchase, such as Amazon, Staples, Home Depot, etc.)

The above documents may provide some information about the transactions, they often lack the necessary details required for proper verification and audit purposes. 


Appropriate Supporting Documents

Supporting documents can be submitted in PDF or JPEG format for reimbursement.  Below is a list of appropriate supporting documents:

  1. A receipt is required to support the reimbursement requests. The receipt should show a detailed breakdown of the items or services purchased, including their individual costs, quantities, description, and any applicable taxes or fees along with company information and proof of payment. 
  2. Invoice + Proof of Payment. When receipt is not available, invoice showing the same detailed breakdown along with proof of payment can be accepted. 
  3. Shipping Confirmation + Proof of Payment. When receipt and invoice are unavailable and unattainable, Shipping Confirmation showing the same detailed breakdown along with proof of payment can be accepted

Providing the appropriate documentation for the purchases help streamline the reimbursement process in an efficient way and ensure compliance with UBC policies. 


Departmental Store Purchases

For course and team related activities, engineering students can use the services of the ECE purchasing office.  They are located in MCLD 1032 - on the first floor, near the MacLeod Atrium.  Below are instructions for how to purchase with and ship to this office.

To place orders through ECE Purchasing:

  • Email purchasing@ece.ubc.ca with the following information:
    • Your name, student number, and the course/project/team that the purchase is for
    • A speed chart to which the order can be charged, and contact information of anyone required to approve the order (e.g. supervisor or accountant)
      • Note: Do not CC anyone on your initial email.  See "note on tickets" below.
    • Supplier name, part numbers, descriptions, and quantities.  Be as clear and descriptive as possible (i.e. include URLs, use an Excel spreadsheet if needed).
    • Estimated order price.
  • CC finance team for reference and confirm available balance.
  • CC APSC Finance finance@apsc.ubc.ca if the ECE purchase will be claiming PAF.
  • We will confirm receipt of the email and send you an email notification when your order arrives.

To place your own orders and ship to ECE Purchasing:

  • Email purchasing@ece.ubc.ca explaining that you will be placing your own order to ship to ECE.
    • Include name, purpose (which course/project/team), and a speed chart to which COD charges (tax/duty) can be billed.
  • You will receive an automated email reply with 1-2 minutes with a 6-digit number (e.g. "RT #123456").
  • Place your order as usual, using the RT number you received as the name in the shipping address and in the purchase order field, if any.
    • ECE uses this as an internal tracking number so that they know who the package belongs to when it arrives.  You will receive an email notification when it arrives at UBC.
  • Use the following shipping address:

ATTN: RTxxxxxx
University of British Columbia
Electrical and Computer Engineering
1032 - 2356 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC  V6T 1Z4

Note: The automatically generated RT number is a support ticket used to track your request.  Be sure that any subsequent emails you send to purchasing regarding an order contains that order's RT tag in the subject line "[ece.ubc.ca #xxxxxx]", otherwise you'll generate a new ticket.  When CC'ing others, wait until you receive your ticket number, and then CC them on that email.

List of parts discounts for UBC students

UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. E-commerce Cart A shopping cart. Time A clock. Communication skills Pencil with speech cloud Chats Two speech clouds. Emotional Intelligence Left-side half heart and right-side half brain shape representation Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Home A house in silhouette. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Leadership User icons presented as a pyramid hierarchy Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Networking Network of nodes Telephone An antique telephone. Play A media play button. Professionalism Hands shaking Search A magnifying glass. Arrow indicating share action A directional arrow. Speech Bubble A speech bubble. Star An outline of a star. Teamwork Three user icons with overlap Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. User A silhouette of a person. Vimeo The logo for the Vimeo video sharing service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service. Future of work A logo for the Future of Work category. Eye A logo representing an eye Inclusive leadership A logo for the Inclusive leadership category. Planetary health A logo for the Planetary health category. Solutions for people A logo for the Solutions for people category. Thriving cities A logo for the Thriving cities category. University for future A logo for the University for future category.