Several departments have waterjets and laser cutters that are available for team use. Please refer to the specific links below for requirements of each.
Laser Cutters
EDC 211
We have acquired a new laser cutter in EDC 211. Please contact UBC Aerodesign ( for model information, Standard Operating Procedures and Safety Training.
Engineering Physics
The PHAS laser cutter is booked through this system. If you have any questions on how to operate it or want to report a broken machine, contact Bernhard Zender directly.
School of Architecture + Landscape Architecture
Both of SALA's laser cutters are in one location now, in Lasserre.
Engineering Teams are allowed limited access to the digifab. Some of the limits/ restrictions are:
- Bookings have to go through Graham Entwistle ( directly, to ensure they don't interfere with SALA student use. You will be expected to discuss your needs to make a comprehensive plan well in advance of when you require the laser cutter.
- Blackout dates apply. These are highly variable, depending on course deadlines, so they aren’t something one can publish.
- They are in place the last 3 weeks of either winter term for sure.
- Spring is generally much busier than fall, so will have more blackouts.
- The start of fall is very busy, but the start of spring term is usually a great time to get work done for EDTs.
- Students are not allowed direct access to the laser cutter. You can book time, but someone else does the cutting.